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Explore PRIME

Welcome to the PRIME Program – your gateway to operational excellence at OSU and the Oklahoma A&M System!

What is PRIME?

PRIME is an initiative spearheaded by the Finance Operational Risk, Compliance, and Efficiency (FORCE) Department at Oklahoma State University (OSU), aimed at propelling OSU departments to higher levels of operational excellence.


At its core, PRIME is strategically aligned with OSU's visionary goals and deeply entrenched in the university's commitment to excellence. It's more than just a program; it's a strategic cornerstone that shapes the future operational landscape of OSU.


PRIME is designed to meticulously review and enhance operational processes, embodying a commitment to innovation, efficiency, and continuous improvement. By identifying opportunities for enhancement, PRIME actively contributes to realizing OSU's strategic vision, empowering excellence in Teaching, Research, and Extension.


How PRIME Works

PRIME, the initiative at Oklahoma State University (OSU), is designed to improve operational excellence and innovation in a straightforward manner. Here's how it works:


In-depth Assessment: PRIME starts with exploration, using techniques like interviews, data analysis, and process mapping. We aim not just to find risks but also to boost efficiency and resilience.


Process Refinement/Risk Assessment: We go beyond routine evaluations, looking for ways to improve efficiency and minimize risks across operations.


Collaborative Solution Generation: PRIME involves collaboration across disciplines to find solid, long-term solutions to various challenges.


Post-Review Action and Continuous Improvement: After assessments, we take actionable steps to implement improvements and establish monitoring mechanisms for ongoing progress.


Program Scope

PRIME's primary focus is on identifying operational risks across OSU and the Oklahoma A&M System, enhancing business processes, and establishing standardized procedural guidance. Additionally, PRIME is committed to continual evaluation, ensuring ongoing effectiveness, and maintaining performance benchmarks to foster a culture of continuous improvement.


By targeting operational risks, improving processes, and providing clear guidance, PRIME aims to enhance efficiency and resilience throughout OSU and the wider Oklahoma A&M System. Through continual evaluation and benchmarking, PRIME ensures that its efforts lead to tangible improvements and contribute to a culture of ongoing enhancement across the institution.


Resource Protection

Essential to organizational success is minimizing resource losses and maximizing resource utilization. Our approach to cost analysis aims not only to achieve financial optimization but also optimization of all associated resources within a process. Fostering a culture that recognizes opportunities to save time and human resources as integral to process improvement is a fundamental aspect of our program.


Cost Analysis

The PRIME conducts comprehensive reviews of current operating practices to identify opportunities for cost savings and calculates anticipated cost savings resulting from process optimization.


Operational Streamlining

Identifying and eliminating redundancies and inefficiencies in operational processes streamlines workflows, reduces unnecessary costs, and paves the way for time recapitalization.


Technology Integration

FORCE has a strategic advantage within OSU to leverage technology solutions that automate manual processes and reduce administrative overhead. These solutions enhance operational efficiency and protect vital resources.


Performance Metrics

Evaluation of performance through performance metrics is not a new concept in business operations. PRIME is committed to assisting OSU process owners in establishing relevant and scalable performance metrics that drive continuous improvement efforts. Key aspects of establishing measurable metrics include:


Collaborative Key Performance Indicators (KPI) Development

Establishing and implementing relevant Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) empowers a business unit to visualize and monitor its progress in aligning with the university's strategic vision. The development of these KPIs should involve collaboration and factor in scalability as proficiency grows.


Data-Driven Decision Making

Using KPIs allows organizational leaders to track performance, enabling timely intervention to reduce operational inefficiencies.


By focusing on collaborative KPI development and data-driven decision-making, PRIME ensures that performance metrics drive continuous improvement efforts across OSU, contributing to the achievement of its strategic goals. 

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