Grants & Contracts Financial Administration
Subrecipient Monitoring
Annually, Grants & Contracts Financial Administration (GCFA) sends a request to each
subrecipient to request their current Audit Report and Management Letter or Financial
Statements along with a questionnaire. A compliance Verification Form is also submitted
for completion at this time. GCFA monitors/tracks the return of the subrecipients'
information and sends follow-up requests as needed. Once a subrecipient returns their
information it is logged into a subrecipient database and reviewed for risk and assessment.
During this time GCFA verifies the date the subrecipient submitted their audit to
the Federal Audit Clearinghouse and assure the certification returned to OSU matches
the clearinghouse data. Audit findings or other concerns are evaluated to determine
any significant risk and/or what modifications may need to be made to the current
agreement. A desk audit may be required and/or a site visit if documentation submitted
by the subrecipient is not in compliance. A follow-up to insure due dates for audit
finding corrections have been is completed. If we find problems with the documentation
we would try to work with the subrecipient to correct those problems. If a significant
deficiency is presented each of our agreements included a clause/language with 'the
right to terminate for cause'. Language is also included to allow for non-payment
and/or repayment, if after working with the subrecipient, any deficiency could not
be corrected. The GCFA review process is initiated by the Grant Accountant and any
issues are reviewed by their Supervisor and a plan is developed to determine any necessary
actions needed.
Annual Letter and Questionnaire Example
Subrecipient Tracking
GCFA has designed a database to specifically track information on each subrecipient
as it is processed through the OSU routing process.