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Administration and Finance

The Fixed Assets division at Oklahoma State University provides a service to each department in the University and its branch campuses. The services provided not only encompass State Law and University Policy and Procedure, but also includes capturing and interfacing information for the Financial Reporting System and keeping abreast of ongoing changes regarding capitalization guidelines at state and federal levels. Timely reporting of acquisitions and changes in location or nature of fixed assets provides a security system that protects University assets against theft and catastrophic loss while establishing accountability. The Fixed Assets division can provide information regarding equipment purchases for budgetary planning. Reports from the Fixed Assets system are available to assist departments in locating pieces of equipment by room number, building number, product code or owner code. Other information provided by Fixed Assets generated reports include inventory numbers, item nomenclature, serial number, make, model, PO number and funding information, claim number, date of addition to Fixed Assets system and item dollar amount.