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Marshal Directory

The OK Corral Marshals are an elite group of individuals who have completed an intense training course and have been certified as Procurement Professionals by the Office of Central Procurement.  The Marshals are a valued resource for their respective departments, colleges, and units.  You will find the Marshals dispersed across a variety of OSU campuses and departments.  They serve as a network of knowledge and current information for others needing assistance or guidance related to OK Corral procedures, procurement policies, and guidelines.  If you are looking for support within your department or if you need a mentor proficient in procurement, find a Marshal near you by searching the Marshal directory.

Mary Smith

Board of Regents Internal Audit
OSU - Stillwater

Brandi Brown

Budget and Finance

Charyl Turner

Budget and Finance

Samuel Cypert II

Campus Life Administration
OSU - Stillwater

Amber Coker

CEAT - Professional Development
OSU - Stillwater

Jess Mutschelknaus

Center For Local Govt Technology
OSU - Stillwater

Sharon Robinson

CEHS Extension, Engagement, & Continuing Ed
OSU - Stillwater

Pamela Fortney

Chemical Engineering
OSU - Stillwater

Nirmala Vaidyanathan

Chemical Engineering
OSU - Stillwater

Tina Burch

College of Arts & Sciences Business Office
OSU - Stillwater

Sage Space

College of Engineering, Architecture and Technology
OSU - Stillwater

Justin McBride

Comptroller / Financial Services

Sayed Noorhassa Nasery

Dean of Engineering
OSU - Stillwater

Michele Young

Department of Wellness Sponsored Programs
OSU - Stillwater

Tamyra Lingo Fancher

Division of Agricultural Sciences and Natural Resources
OSU - Stillwater

Tara White

Division of Agricultural Sciences and Natural Resources
OSU - Stillwater

William Whittington

Division of Agricultural Sciences and Natural Resources
OSU - Stillwater

Fransisca Bolin

Electrical & Computer Engineering
OSU - Stillwater

Richard Prenzlow

Electrical & Computer Engineering
OSU - Stillwater

Danesha Harper

Engineering Technology
OSU - Stillwater

Brigett Broyles

Facilities Management Admin
OSU - Stillwater

Michael Hunsucker

Facilities Management Admin
OSU - Stillwater

Renee Smith

Facilities Management Business Operations
OSU - Stillwater

Leslie Beckwith

Facilities Management Procurement Services
OSU - Stillwater

Kelly Caselman

Facilities Management Procurement Services
OSU - Stillwater

Jeff Cook

Facilities Management Procurement Services
OSU - Stillwater

Rob Duckworth

Facilities Management Procurement Services
OSU - Stillwater

Heather Forquer

Facilities Management Procurement Services
OSU - Stillwater

Gary Jarvis

Facilities Management Procurement Services
OSU - Stillwater

Melissa Moody

Facilities Management Procurement Services
OSU - Stillwater

Jessica Pugh

Fire Protection Publications
OSU - Stillwater

Amber Saunders

Fire Protection Publications
OSU - Stillwater

Aaron Moore

Food & Ag Prod Res & Tech Center
OSU - Stillwater

Marsha Chapman

Greenwood School of Music
OSU - Stillwater

Dianne Holba

Greenwood School of Music
OSU - Stillwater

Crystal Burton

Human Resources - Benefits
OSU - Stillwater

Emily Green

Human Resources - Talent Development & Recruitment
OSU - Stillwater

Logan Frailey

Institutional Diversity
OSU - Stillwater

Nancy Coleman

Integrative Biology (Zoology)
OSU - Stillwater

Paige Jones

OSU - Stillwater

Denise Brooks

Long Range Facilities Planning
OSU - Stillwater

Leah Benzin

Mechanical & Aerospace Engineering
OSU - Stillwater

Nancy Johnson

Media & Strategic Communications
OSU - Stillwater

Cody Dollarhide

Microbiology & Molecular Genetics
OSU - Stillwater

Marcie Lemons

Natural Resource Ecology & Management
OSU - Stillwater

Diana Maples

Nutritional Science
OSU - Stillwater

Tara Alexander

Office of Central Procurement
OSU - Stillwater

Cheryl Gokey

Office of Central Procurement
OSU - Stillwater

Joe Teel

Office of Central Procurement
OSU - Stillwater

Marlene Tornakian

Office of Central Procurement
OSU - Stillwater

Don Watts

Office of Central Procurement
OSU - Stillwater

Matt Wessel

Office of Central Procurement
OSU - Stillwater

Aaron Lively

Office of Technology Commercialization
OSU - Stillwater

Chelsea Schafer

Oklahoma Aerospace Institute of Research and Education
OSU - Stillwater

Sheila Ferreira

OSU Global
OSU - Stillwater

Lacy Brown

OSU Museum of Art
OSU - Stillwater

Maegan Berg

Plant & Soil Sciences
OSU - Stillwater

Shannon Hansen

Police Department
OSU - Stillwater

Michelle Boyd

OSU - Institute of Technology

Debby Sweet

OSU - Stillwater

Janey Gordon

Undergrad Admissions
OSU - Stillwater

Michelle Munson

Undergrad Admissions
OSU - Stillwater

Edward Lawler

University Accounting
OSU - Stillwater

Justin Jones

University College
OSU - Stillwater

Deidre Parrish

University Health Services
OSU - Stillwater

Nicole White

University Health Services
OSU - Stillwater

Jordan Rushing

University Mailing Services
OSU - Stillwater